Thursday, March 7, 2019

Epic Fail

Have you ever had one of those days? You of THOSE days where it seems that everything just isn't in your favor. Like God was sitting there thinking today would be the day that you had to really keep a smile on your face to get through it. Its called an Epic Fail day. I haven't had one in a long time but it's those days where it starts out with a stubbed toe or the alarm didn't go off kind of day. I have had those before. Where everything just didn't quite go as planned. Actually, it just didn't really go at all. I have had those days before. Here was one of mine.

Woke up and stubbed my pinky toe on the side of the dresser. Howled for about 10 minutes jumping around while trying to wake up kids so they didn't miss the bus.

Burnt Breakfast because you were also trying to do the load that you thought you started the night before but somehow never started.

Get to work just to slip on ice on the way in. Another pinky toe done for the day. You have no more pinky toes to go at least so that's a good thing.

The one person you didn't want to see comes on that day of course because its the ONE day you decide its fine I will go all natural with no make up that day.

Come home from work to make a meal planned out just to find out the kids ate part of it before you even got home so now you have to come up with something else and all you want to do is order pizza but you live in a small town so they dont deliver.

You decide after making a dinner that you are just going to take a shower to chill and get in and within 1 min it's cold because someone used the hot water before you.

Yep, that is one of those epic fail days. Luckily I haven't had one in forever and KNOCK ON WOOD I won't in forever too. I have had those days before where it just seems like everything is not going well. I have learned to laugh through those days. You have to otherwise you are just gonna get mad. I have learned that just drive and get that pizza and wear steel-toed boots or something to bed that day haha. We all have those days though right? Just remember it can't keep on going on like that. The sun will come out and you won't be the donkey from Winnie the Pooh with a cloud over its head. Just make the most of each day even if you have to lay on the ground, stomp your feet and give up for a minute or two just as long as you get back up and slay the rest of the day. I hope for all of you that you don't have an epic fail day though. We got this!
                                                                     Love , Ro

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