Thursday, July 25, 2019

Club Med BFF Trip

What is a better way to start blogging again? Talk about the Food and Fun that Lo and I got to check out when we went to the Dominican Republic for a week-long BFF getaway.  I guess I should start off by saying we made it back ALIVE!

We traveled from California all the way to the Dominican Republic which really wasn't all that long considering we took a red-eye there. For all you Californians I would say do it because then you arrive in the middle of the day and get on that time change rather quickly.

It was nice to get away with my BFF of 30 years. To reconnect since we hadn't seen each other in a while. Funny how 2 weeks later though we would soon be roommates for the next 6 months as I moved to her location for a great new job and now single life. Amazing the things that happen when divorce is final and all my boys have graduated. Ah, the good changes we all can make.

When we arrived I have to stay it reminded me of Hawaii a little bit. Warm, little muggy and a cute guy standing there holding a sign with our names on it. Not a bad start right?

After we arrived, checked in, bags taken to the room, we decided to get in one of the many pools they have at Punta Cana Club Med. I think what I loved most about this was food and drinks (yes even alcoholic drinks) were apart of the package. Everyone was SUPER friendly. Almost every person who worked there spoke French, English, and Spanish. Thank goodness Lo was there because she can speak a little French and a little Spanish just in case they didn't speak English.

For someone who doesn't like the taste of alcohol but likes to drink still, it was good that all the drinks were free. I tried this or that. If I didn't like it I didn't feel like I had to keep drinking it. I would just go and get another one. Here are some that we drank. Still I don't know why we spent the first day next to the pool but it was comfortable and would be the last day we stayed there almost the whole time. BEACHES it would be the next 6 days!

The next 6 days we were at the beach almost the whole day. Activities are included with the package deal. We snorkeled many times sometimes with a guide and sometimes on our own. Both were pretty neat being able to see so many things in the crystal clear water. I was bound and determined to find this one turtle that we saw just swimming in the ocean everyday. I think it was the 4th day I finally had my camera with me to actually get it on film. I saw sea urchins, conks, turtles, tons of fish, of course, stingrays, and much more.
I personally love snorkeling and just going out and seeing whatever pops up in the ocean. Just make sure to put extra sunscreen on your back and butt. Last place you want to be sunburnt for your trip. We were able to learn to sail a sailboat. Lo did way better than I did so I said if we went out she would be the one sailing. That was apart of just being there also paddleboarding, kayaking, archery, and more activities that we didn't even have time to do in the 7 days we were there. I know we said we were going to do sunrise yoga every morning but let's be real that didn't happen. They do have a lot of exercise fun programs there also though if you are interested in that sort of thing.

I think it was just nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of things. To go somewhere with good food, good company, sun, and the ocean. Being by the ocean relaxes me in general. Add a drink in one hand and a good book in the other and I am all set up. I always say I am going to read a book on vacation and never get to it. Here you can keep yourself super busy doing activities all day or you can chill and actually read a book. Lo and I decided on one or two activities a day that we knew we were going to do and then stayed on the beach the rest of the time till dinner mainly.

Speaking of dinner the food was amazing. Its all done by French Chefs that make something different each night. You have so many things to choose from. Lo and I usually would go to the dine-in places for lunch and for dinner and breakfast we would go to the buffets. It's not the kind of buffet that you would think of in the USA but a gourmet place with just a lot of options.

It was an amazing vacation. I definitely would go again. I actually want to plan one for Feb. to a new destination. Maybe back to a place I have been to before. Club Med is definitely the route to go. With everything included even air, transfer and gratuity all you have to think about is the gifts you want to bring back. Here are some of my favorite pictures. I hope that one day you decide to seek out a new place for a new adventure. It is a memory you will never forget.

                              Love, Ro

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