Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Recipe EASY Homemade Coffee Creamer (Vanilla, Cocoa, Cinnamon etc)

Every morning on my days off from work all I want to do is sit down, relax and enjoy my coffee. Since I moved to Lo's house (she drinks it black like a devient) I have to get my own creamer if I want to actually enjoy a cup without hairs growing on my chest or something. Strong, delicious coffee needs GREAT creamer. I really am trying to stay away from the chemical ladened creamers that you buy at the store. One they taste like they have an after taste and two its just not the best for you. I decided to try a couple of great recipes. Some I made up and some I tweeked.

I don't have time in the mornings to be taking the time to make fresh creamer every time. Thankfully you don't have too. All you have to do is make it one time a week *hears cheering inside my head*. I prefer to do it at night when I am not wanting my coffee at that moment.  Let's be real no one wants to do it in the morning when all you want is to sit down and chill with your cup of Joe. Plus you don't get the 15 added chemicals in your creamer that neither you or I need in our lives.

Onto the Homemade EASY (chemical-free) Coffee Creamers.

Here are a couple that I have tried and they are all great! Just make sure you make it and put it in an airtight container like a mason jar. It will last from 1-2 weeks depending on how fast you use it.

Vanilla Homemade Coffee Creamer 

14 ounces sweetened condensed milk
1 1/2 cups milk (Plant-based works too)
1 Tbsp pure vanilla extract

**Put all ingredients into Mason Jar or air tight container and shake.

**if you don't have condensed milk you can make it by boiling 2 cups of milk with 1 cup of raisins for a couple minutes then strain and cool.

Chocolate Homemade Coffee Creamer

14 ounces sweetened condensed milk
1 1/2 cups milk (plant-based works too)
2 tsp unsweetened dark cocoa powder
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract

 **Put all ingredients into Mason Jar or air tight container and shake.

Cinnamon Chocolate Cake Coffee Creamer

14 ounces sweetened condensed milk
1 1/2 cups milk (plant-based works too)
2 tsp unsweetened dark cocoa powder
1/2 pure vanilla extract
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

 **Put all ingredients into Mason Jar or air tight container and shake.

I really do hope that you try these out. Not only is it fun to make but so much better for you. I tend to make all three so I can decide on that day what mood I am in for what flavor I want. I hope you enjoy. I would love to know what combos you use? Or maybe if you have a recipe of your own that you would like to share. I feel so much better about my lazy, long mornings when I don't work. I cannot be like Lo and drink it as dark as some peoples souls ha! I would rather have a good alternative though to a great cup of coffee with a lot of amazing flavors.
                                                                                    Love, Ro

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