Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Recipe EASY Homemade Coffee Creamer (Vanilla, Cocoa, Cinnamon etc)

Every morning on my days off from work all I want to do is sit down, relax and enjoy my coffee. Since I moved to Lo's house (she drinks it black like a devient) I have to get my own creamer if I want to actually enjoy a cup without hairs growing on my chest or something. Strong, delicious coffee needs GREAT creamer. I really am trying to stay away from the chemical ladened creamers that you buy at the store. One they taste like they have an after taste and two its just not the best for you. I decided to try a couple of great recipes. Some I made up and some I tweeked.

I don't have time in the mornings to be taking the time to make fresh creamer every time. Thankfully you don't have too. All you have to do is make it one time a week *hears cheering inside my head*. I prefer to do it at night when I am not wanting my coffee at that moment.  Let's be real no one wants to do it in the morning when all you want is to sit down and chill with your cup of Joe. Plus you don't get the 15 added chemicals in your creamer that neither you or I need in our lives.

Onto the Homemade EASY (chemical-free) Coffee Creamers.

Here are a couple that I have tried and they are all great! Just make sure you make it and put it in an airtight container like a mason jar. It will last from 1-2 weeks depending on how fast you use it.

Vanilla Homemade Coffee Creamer 

14 ounces sweetened condensed milk
1 1/2 cups milk (Plant-based works too)
1 Tbsp pure vanilla extract

**Put all ingredients into Mason Jar or air tight container and shake.

**if you don't have condensed milk you can make it by boiling 2 cups of milk with 1 cup of raisins for a couple minutes then strain and cool.

Chocolate Homemade Coffee Creamer

14 ounces sweetened condensed milk
1 1/2 cups milk (plant-based works too)
2 tsp unsweetened dark cocoa powder
1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract

 **Put all ingredients into Mason Jar or air tight container and shake.

Cinnamon Chocolate Cake Coffee Creamer

14 ounces sweetened condensed milk
1 1/2 cups milk (plant-based works too)
2 tsp unsweetened dark cocoa powder
1/2 pure vanilla extract
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon

 **Put all ingredients into Mason Jar or air tight container and shake.

I really do hope that you try these out. Not only is it fun to make but so much better for you. I tend to make all three so I can decide on that day what mood I am in for what flavor I want. I hope you enjoy. I would love to know what combos you use? Or maybe if you have a recipe of your own that you would like to share. I feel so much better about my lazy, long mornings when I don't work. I cannot be like Lo and drink it as dark as some peoples souls ha! I would rather have a good alternative though to a great cup of coffee with a lot of amazing flavors.
                                                                                    Love, Ro

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Monday, July 29, 2019

Intermittent Fasting MEMES

Intermittent Fasting seems to be the newest craze in losing weight. Let's be honest I think that I have been doing it almost my whole life without even trying. When did it become a real thing? I always thought that Breakfast was the most important meal of the day. I thought I was a horrible person for not even eating it most days because I didn't want to choke something down first thing in the morning when I don't feel that well.  Anyways, I decided to try it any ways! Next week I am going to only eat from 12-8 each day. Thats it. No other times which will be interesting as the days I work I work literally 645am -715pm and will have to bring everything to work with me those days. Before I start this though I, of course, had to find Memes that made me laugh in order to do this! A picture version of everything I will probably go through so I can laugh about it when I do. I promise I will write about my actual week of Intermittent Fasting Day by Day to see if there was any real change in say one week of doing it. I am curious to know. Before that happens though here are some Memes to show you what I am going to most likely be going through! Go Me (Memes)

                                                         Love, Ro

Friday, July 26, 2019

Top Ten Tips to Minimize Your Home

Minimizing Easy 10 steps 

I have moved more times than I can even count being an Army Brat. It’s one of the best times to minimize what you have. Even after moving though I am all about getting rid of, blessing someone with, or selling something that I don’t need in my space. Here is how I do it. Sometimes which is super scary to some I just get a truck and load it up and take it to Goodwill or another Thrift shop of choice. I would rather do it this way to help others though.  I don’t want to feel owned by my possessions or have them cause me stress into life.  It’s all about keeping what is super important to you and getting rid of the rest. 

  1. If I haven’t used it, read it, loved on it in a year I give it away (or sell). The only exception is if it’s something that was say my grandma’s that really makes me happy like a cool picture frame. Not like that ugly orange couch, I never wanted. 
  2. If I have multiples of something I would rather gift it to someone who would love it. Do I need 4 hair dryers? Probably not. I most likely have the favorite that I always use. 
  3. One in, two to three out. This helps for anyone who has trouble getting rid of stuff that clutters a house. 
  4. Limit storage in your home. If you limit places you can shove things it really helps. I know I can clean a house to look amazing but then you look inside the closet and about have a heart attack. Think to yourself do you really need that storage? Do you have more than one storage? If so it’s time to minimize your life. 
  5. Put away clothes, file your mail, get rid of the gym equipment you don’t use, and clean off table tops and counters. It helps with stress when you walk into a room. More inviting for you and for your guests. 
  6. Don’t get sentimental about everything. Do you really need the manual anymore? Can you look it up online? If yes.... throw it out. I know for me that cleaned out a whole drawer for things I actually used in my life. 
  7. Pull out all the clothes you don’t wear anymore. I was amazed at how my wardrobe went to 1/4! I had more room for stuff I would wear and could find the stuff I loved easier. Made getting dressed so much better. Just bag up everything that doesn’t fit and give it away. You will have more room for you! Plus, it’s easier to organize. I know I would try on 3 pairs of jeans before I found the ones I liked. So I got rid of the ones I hated. Now they are someone’s fav jeans and they aren’t on my floor. 
  8. Take a day to think of how you want a room to look. Do a room a day or a week or even a month if you're stressed. Minimizing helps to make it easier to keep those rooms looking good. Not only will you have more time to yourself (less cleaning in the long run) but you will be happier with all space. 
  9. Blankets, towels, bedding, pillows. Keep what you use. Maybe even have a winter pile. Get rid of the towels no one uses. Have only 2 sets of sheets per bed. Gift blankets to homeless shelters to those in need. Keep your favorite throw and get rid of the rest. Most likely you always go to your go-to one anyways. 
  10. Be happy you are even reading this because it means you want to declutter your house and be happier in your space. Don’t be afraid to let things go! You can do this! What is something you would do that’s not on this list? I would love to hear in the comments.                                                You have this! I am excited about your cleaner, more organized, happier you!   I still work on this weekly.  I am happier in my space. Even if you just do the one in and 3 out method you will get there. You have this! 

Love, Ro

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Club Med BFF Trip

What is a better way to start blogging again? Talk about the Food and Fun that Lo and I got to check out when we went to the Dominican Republic for a week-long BFF getaway.  I guess I should start off by saying we made it back ALIVE!

We traveled from California all the way to the Dominican Republic which really wasn't all that long considering we took a red-eye there. For all you Californians I would say do it because then you arrive in the middle of the day and get on that time change rather quickly.

It was nice to get away with my BFF of 30 years. To reconnect since we hadn't seen each other in a while. Funny how 2 weeks later though we would soon be roommates for the next 6 months as I moved to her location for a great new job and now single life. Amazing the things that happen when divorce is final and all my boys have graduated. Ah, the good changes we all can make.

When we arrived I have to stay it reminded me of Hawaii a little bit. Warm, little muggy and a cute guy standing there holding a sign with our names on it. Not a bad start right?

After we arrived, checked in, bags taken to the room, we decided to get in one of the many pools they have at Punta Cana Club Med. I think what I loved most about this was food and drinks (yes even alcoholic drinks) were apart of the package. Everyone was SUPER friendly. Almost every person who worked there spoke French, English, and Spanish. Thank goodness Lo was there because she can speak a little French and a little Spanish just in case they didn't speak English.

For someone who doesn't like the taste of alcohol but likes to drink still, it was good that all the drinks were free. I tried this or that. If I didn't like it I didn't feel like I had to keep drinking it. I would just go and get another one. Here are some that we drank. Still I don't know why we spent the first day next to the pool but it was comfortable and would be the last day we stayed there almost the whole time. BEACHES it would be the next 6 days!

The next 6 days we were at the beach almost the whole day. Activities are included with the package deal. We snorkeled many times sometimes with a guide and sometimes on our own. Both were pretty neat being able to see so many things in the crystal clear water. I was bound and determined to find this one turtle that we saw just swimming in the ocean everyday. I think it was the 4th day I finally had my camera with me to actually get it on film. I saw sea urchins, conks, turtles, tons of fish, of course, stingrays, and much more.
I personally love snorkeling and just going out and seeing whatever pops up in the ocean. Just make sure to put extra sunscreen on your back and butt. Last place you want to be sunburnt for your trip. We were able to learn to sail a sailboat. Lo did way better than I did so I said if we went out she would be the one sailing. That was apart of just being there also paddleboarding, kayaking, archery, and more activities that we didn't even have time to do in the 7 days we were there. I know we said we were going to do sunrise yoga every morning but let's be real that didn't happen. They do have a lot of exercise fun programs there also though if you are interested in that sort of thing.

I think it was just nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of things. To go somewhere with good food, good company, sun, and the ocean. Being by the ocean relaxes me in general. Add a drink in one hand and a good book in the other and I am all set up. I always say I am going to read a book on vacation and never get to it. Here you can keep yourself super busy doing activities all day or you can chill and actually read a book. Lo and I decided on one or two activities a day that we knew we were going to do and then stayed on the beach the rest of the time till dinner mainly.

Speaking of dinner the food was amazing. Its all done by French Chefs that make something different each night. You have so many things to choose from. Lo and I usually would go to the dine-in places for lunch and for dinner and breakfast we would go to the buffets. It's not the kind of buffet that you would think of in the USA but a gourmet place with just a lot of options.

It was an amazing vacation. I definitely would go again. I actually want to plan one for Feb. to a new destination. Maybe back to a place I have been to before. Club Med is definitely the route to go. With everything included even air, transfer and gratuity all you have to think about is the gifts you want to bring back. Here are some of my favorite pictures. I hope that one day you decide to seek out a new place for a new adventure. It is a memory you will never forget.

                              Love, Ro

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Where you find happiness

How to find happiness 

I have been through a lot in my life. Brain tumors, divorce, illness, changing of jobs, etc. The one thing though that I have thought about a lot is how do I find happiness. Too many times I have put my happiness into someone else. I get disappointed really quickly. The reason being is someone can’t make me happy. Only I can make me happy. It’s not to say that others can’t help to make someone happy.  In the end, though we have to be happy with ourselves. 

I am going through my second divorce. Thankfully it’s much different than my first. I am older and wiser and know that fighting isn’t gonna help me. I tried many times to find happiness in my marriage. Not to say that there weren’t many of wonderful times because there were MANY. Many times. The problem was I was not finding happiness within myself. 

You know those people right? The ones that are “I am going to be happy when I lose 20 pounds” then it’s gone and they are still not happy. This coming from someone who has lost 100. Or the “I am going to be happy when this or that happens” but then this or that happens and it’s another thing they have to wait to to be happy. 

Happiness comes from within. You have to be happy with who you are at the stage and time that you are in. It’s so much better to be happy that way. Yes, things can change that makes you happier. For instance, I had a job for 9 years that I did really well at. Didn’t love it though. Found myself sick a lot from stress. Then now I have a job that I LOVE and actually, look forward too. Does that help? Well yes! That can help to be happy. Happiness within though is what I am talking about. You need to take time for self-love and self-care. Just like the saying that you are a better mother if you treat yourself too. If we give all of ourselves to someone else then we lose ourselves in them. We become their mood. They are happy...we feel happy. They are sad... we feel sad. This isn’t something that we should want in life. 

I have been working on me for a long time. I have been feeling happier by the day. I give myself a lot of self-love. I do more things that I want to do. I am happy with my weight even though I could lose some pounds. I am happy with who I am. Where I am in life and what is going on. Why? Because even if I have a bad day. I am happy within. That makes that bad day so much less horrible. 

All I want for you is to look deep within yourself. Are you happy with YOU? Not your relationship, not your job, not your kids but YOU? If the answer is no I am going to tell you to give self-love to yourself. Do things for you. It’s ok! It’s good for you. And actually good for everyone else. Take that time to do your make up, wash your face, write in your journal, see a movie you want to see, talk to friends. Whatever it is that makes you within happy. Just do it! Once you are fully happy people around you will see that. You will feel better through any situation. Your bad days will be less and your good day more! What do you do to give yourself self-love? 
                    -Love, Ro

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Monday, March 11, 2019

Top 8 Things to save money!

8 Tips to be more frugal 

Who actually lives in their means? I would guess not many people. Those with credit card bills or those who do stuff before bills are suppose to be done. Not gonna lie, I have been there for before many many times. I haven’t had a credit card but I sure have done things before paying a bill. 

Then there is now. After moving just me and the boys I have really penny pinched every since cent. Paying bills first. Putting away everything for bills then if I have extra money then Doing something fun like getting the boys something or sending a gift to one of my boys that is living on their own, going to movies or planning a weekend get away to Lo’s house. 

I am trying to live in my means. That might be giving up a expensive bill like a car payment and just buy a car with cash. I am trying to be more frugal. Here are some ways that people can be more frugal and live more in their means. No matter what that is. Mind you I like to save money. I think my super power is to find great deals. 

  1. Coupon. There are so many sites that you can even coupon online. Why not? If you save money you can use it somewhere else. Or even buy more stuff that you needed depending on what you want. 
  2. Check your cell phone plan. Make sure it’s the best one for you or your family. They are always willing to help. 
  3. Get Netflix or Hulu or even both. It’s cheaper than cable! And so many fun things to watch! 
  4. Plan out meals. I have saved so much money by planning out meals. I live in a rural area . I need to make sure I have say ranch dressing or I am paying 6 dollars for it. 
  5. If you know someone who cuts hair that is a friend. Have them do it. I cut my kids hair this week. And my friend trimmed mine. Money saved
  6. Make sure you have a full load before you wash your clothes. Then make sure you put it in the dryer or a hanging dryer. I know I have once or twice ran the washer twice bec I forgot about it 
  7. Don’t play the lotto. The odds are against you. I admit I have done it too but now don’t even ask for the ticket. Money wasted 
  8. Look on Craigslist for furniture, baby items etc. You can find a lot of slightly used stuff that way. 
These are just a couple of things. There are many, many more. Tell me one thing that I could use to be more frugal. I would love to know! 
                    Love, Ro

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Thursday, March 7, 2019

Epic Fail

Have you ever had one of those days? You know....one of THOSE days where it seems that everything just isn't in your favor. Like God was sitting there thinking today would be the day that you had to really keep a smile on your face to get through it. Its called an Epic Fail day. I haven't had one in a long time but it's those days where it starts out with a stubbed toe or the alarm didn't go off kind of day. I have had those before. Where everything just didn't quite go as planned. Actually, it just didn't really go at all. I have had those days before. Here was one of mine.

Woke up and stubbed my pinky toe on the side of the dresser. Howled for about 10 minutes jumping around while trying to wake up kids so they didn't miss the bus.

Burnt Breakfast because you were also trying to do the load that you thought you started the night before but somehow never started.

Get to work just to slip on ice on the way in. Another pinky toe done for the day. You have no more pinky toes to go at least so that's a good thing.

The one person you didn't want to see comes on that day of course because its the ONE day you decide its fine I will go all natural with no make up that day.

Come home from work to make a meal planned out just to find out the kids ate part of it before you even got home so now you have to come up with something else and all you want to do is order pizza but you live in a small town so they dont deliver.

You decide after making a dinner that you are just going to take a shower to chill and get in and within 1 min it's cold because someone used the hot water before you.

Yep, that is one of those epic fail days. Luckily I haven't had one in forever and KNOCK ON WOOD I won't in forever too. I have had those days before where it just seems like everything is not going well. I have learned to laugh through those days. You have to otherwise you are just gonna get mad. I have learned that just drive and get that pizza and wear steel-toed boots or something to bed that day haha. We all have those days though right? Just remember it can't keep on going on like that. The sun will come out and you won't be the donkey from Winnie the Pooh with a cloud over its head. Just make the most of each day even if you have to lay on the ground, stomp your feet and give up for a minute or two just as long as you get back up and slay the rest of the day. I hope for all of you that you don't have an epic fail day though. We got this!
                                                                     Love , Ro