Saturday, September 15, 2018

Castle Rock. Were we even at the same place?

Castle rock.....TV show, around Stephen king books... I think I’m the one that said we should watch this together....I wanted a fun experience, maybe a little peril that wasn’t life induced.... Ro is gonna say I didn’t watch... because I had my hand over my eyes ( maybe 30% of the time). And I’d like to say that watching through fingers or “not watching” through closed fingers is a completely legitimate way to watch something’s not like I was staring at my phone, or had a fake bout of diarrhea and kept running to the potty, NOPE I was engaged in my fear, in my watching (ok listening- maybe I’m an auditory learner!) It was fun to pull out the little comments that made you realize it was about Stand By Me or The Shining, I’m not a huge Stephen king fan ( yes read SUCH A scaredy pants!) but how can you not know about his works....and the more psychological ones I did enjoy.... Ro and I watched Carrie together at 13, after a long day at a water park ( oh that is a story we should tell! Yikes) anyway we were both sunburned and laying on my living room floor ( gold, raised fleur de lis no less) a fan wafting over us intermittently....the end scene comes and Carrie’s hand raises from the grave and in complete terror I grab Ro’s hand at the same time.....hahahaha.... Thank you Stephen king, for scaring the cock-a-doodle-do out me and for also making me realize could be worse...                                 -Lo

Ohhhhh.... I love Castle rock! I am so in love with the first season and trying to figure out what is going to happen next! The whole time watching with Lo I am constantly talking which HAS to get annoying! “Hey that cop is from Shameless”or “hey that’s the girl from 2 and half men!” I am interested in weird stuff and try to figure out what is going to happen before it happens. In my own mind I am a detective! Just ask my four teenagers they will agree. I have to admit I jumped a couple times. I am actually surprised I jumped because I am pretty positive I was watching Lo watch Castle rock. Okay, let me rephrase that. I was watching Lo NOT watch Castle rock. I mean is she actually watching if she is watching it through her fingers? “Lo! It’s scarier if you aren’t watching it and just listening to the scary music!” It was just too funny for me to watch her. I am trying to be a detective here and I need her to watch for clues before the next episode. I have to admit even Lo was watching through her hands half of the time she was the first person to say “Next” when the episode was done and we were ready for the next one. But first we need to figure out exactly how tall Bill Skarsgård (who played Pennywise) is? I was pretty sure he was taller than my one son who is 6’5” but I was wrong! He is only 6’4” but I swear he looks 6’9” in the show and wears extra contour to look thinner! Maybe I will ask him his secret 🙂“Lo, we need to google crazy contour!”

Love, Ro


  1. I have never seen this... Now on my list of something to watch. Thank you!

    1. It's a great show. Tell us if you watch it through your hands or not:)

  2. You two are great! I watch scary scenes through my fingers too :)

    1. Thank you so much! We love watching Castle rock together
