Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Life Is Full Of Color

Life is full of color! Now I’m not speaking figuratively here (surprised?). Nope, there are so many colors and shades and variations! It’s one of the things that makes going outside so beautifully magnificent AND picking out family photo outfits so horrible! Not to mention I’m looking online so colors are skewed by my phone or the website, or both. I put a ton of stuff in my online cart, from two different websites and am now trying to make outfits by looking back and forth. Don’t get me wrong this IS MY KINDA problem, I love it! It’s creative and involves new clothes for kids and family photos! I have this rule ( guaranteed to be tested this go round by my precious eight year old) if photos are being taken, I get to pick your outfit. Now this just goes for important photos like family photos, special events, etc, I’m not a tyrant (except for photos!). So I’m already mixing patterns (so “IN”but hopefully doesn’t date 2018 like turtlenecks date MY kid picks, did you know turtle necks are making a come back?) but how far down the color spectrum should I deviate? And throw this into the’s at a location that I have beautiful family photos from....yes, so there is a gorgeous photo of the two lovelies on a green bench in front of a white clapboard wall...and I want to recreate this in some way.... yes I realize my expectations may be too high. My preteen darling likes green, I found a dress she approves of, also green ( read “so not a tyrant”) will the green dress distract from the green bench? Probably....let it go Lo, let it go. Joke: why don’t you give Elsa a balloon? Cause she’ll “let it go”. ( best if sung at top of your lungs in public, embarrassing your children!) And I just remembered..... shoes!            -Lo

*** Just saying at least you can do the coordinating because as you well know I always have to call you to help me on what to do for my family pictures! Love, Ro


  1. Lol! Picking family portrait outfits is daunting- help!

  2. my advice, don't do all same color (looks slightly cult?!) pick items that you may put together, don't be afraid to mix patterns
