Thursday, September 27, 2018

Mochi Ice Cream Recipe that will change your life

I am in LOVE with Mochi Ice Cream! So much so I even named my dog Mochi. Not even kidding either. I lived in Japan for two years during High School. Moved away from Lo (that's another story) in 11th grade to move there. My dad was in the military. One fond memory I have is going to the Mochisuki Festival in  Japan where you pound rice to make Mochi for a rice cake. This type of Mochi that we are making is a little different. It's way easier! I don't have time for hard, so easy is my thing.
1994 Mochisuki Festival in Japan

Let's start with the ingredients:
2/3 cup sweet rice flour (I like mochiko which you can find on Amazon)
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup water
Ice cream of your choice

1. Use a small ice cream scoop and scoop 8 round scoops of your favorite ice cream. I happen to love more zingy types like mango but chocolate or strawberry is great too. Put each scoop individually on a plate or silicone cups to freeze while making the Mochi.

2. Use a microwave safe bowl. Take your sweet rice flour, sugar, and whisk. Add the water and whisk again.

3. Plastic wrap bowl and microwave for 2 minutes. Stir, cover and microwave again for 40 seconds. Stir again.
2 minutes later

Then an extra 40 seconds later

4. On a large cookie sheet put 1/2 cup cornstarch. Spread around. Put the contents of the mochi from the bowl onto the cornstarch. Dust top of mochi with more cornstarch. Press with hands into a 6 by 12-inch rectangle.

5. Chill mochi for 35 minutes in the freezer.

6. Take out of the freezer. Cut into 8 equal pieces.

7. Put each piece of mochi on saran wrap square. Layer each piece on top of each other with saran wrap until you have 8 pieces of mochi on each other with saran wrap in between. Freeze for an additional 30 minutes.

8. Wrap Mochi squares around each ice cream scoop until covered. Use saran wrap to wrap around each one after covered. Twist till tight. When all 8 are done put back in the freezer for 40-60 minutes or when ready to eat.

9. Take out of the wrap and Enjoy! I like to cut them in half or fourths and eat with my hands or toothpicks.

 It may take some time but its super easy. Once you make this you can make it over and over or double or triple the recipe. I like to triple the recipe and do 24 Ice Cream Mochi at a time as I have a large family. I mean let's be real I would probably eat all those on my own during the week. So yummy! My kids love Mochi Ice Cream! Tell me if you make this and how it turned out for you. If you have any tips or tricks I would love to know! Enjoy!

                                                                                                     Love, Ro

P.s. This is my dog Mochi:)

* and so perfect because store-bought Mochi (ice cream not the dog) always has egg, so this is egg allergy safe when you use the correct ice cream. My favorite flavors are coffee, blueberry, now I'm hungry, RO, come to make me mochi! WAIT what if we put in daiquiri ice?????
now lets take it to the next level and I'll make homemade ice cream to use! -Lo


  1. Mmmm sounds delicious. I will have to try thank you.

    1. It really is good. I like it even better than the ones you get at a Japanese restaurant.
