Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Why I sent myself to time out

Have you ever had one of those days? I am sure everyone has where you just need a little peace and quiet. Normally my days are pretty good, great actually. I am a busy working mother who still wants to make sure that I get up to make a balanced breakfast and end with a balanced dinner. Are they always the healthiest? Maybe not but its balanced! On those chaotic days I think every person especially parents needs to put themselves in a time out! Go somewhere to be alone for a moment. To think. To feel. To not react to your day. Its interesting because I have even thought about taking a time out daily for myself. For my mental and emotional health. Not that my family is bad. It isn't. It may be a little hectic but each year as one more child leaves the roost it seems to get a little easier and a little harder all at the same time. Take a time out! Go someplace where you can relax. Drink your hot tea, coffee, water, wine or whatever it is that helps you to just chill for a moment. Everyone needs some time to themselves. My time out is usually in the bath tub with a bath bomb and my mineral water close by because I make it so hot my skin is red. I know when I am with Lo we tend to sit by her pool with a glass of wine and just talk. Yours might be reading by yourself with no distraction, maybe its even hiking or meditation. Whatever is your thing to relax.....try and do it once a day if possible. Give yourself that mental and emotional health that you need. Put yourself on a time out! I think if everyone did this daily we could be able to cope more of what is going on in our lives whether its kids, family, work, extra activities, or anything else that we need a small break from to make us a better person. The soul always knows what to do to heal itself. The challenge is to silence the mind.
                                                                             Love, Ro

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