I did a lot of driving today. Had a couple appts and had to drive 2 hours to one and then 2 hours back to get to the other. Busy day. On the way to my one appointment, I passed this little green house. It's a tiny house I am sure but it is covered in Kelly green paint. Did I ever tell you that Kelly green is my favorite color? Everyone who knows me definitely knows this.
Every time I go to the movies there are those previews that have the green on them that tell you what the rating of the movie is. Know those? Well, every time and I do mean EVERY TIME I see that I lean over to my husband, kids or friend and say "that's my favorite color". If I happen to not say that then I know whoever I am with thinks I am not okay because I say it 99.9 percent of the time.
Everyone probably has a favorite color that makes them happy. I know that I gravitate towards that color for sure. I have that color in converse (even got married in them under my long white gown).
I have that color in blankets. I have that color in clothing, jewelry, and socks. I have that color of a purse (side note so does Lo and many times we pick up the wrong one it's so similar). That color just makes me so happy. I have even been thinking of painting some of my offices for work that color. I bet my days would be happier and go faster.
So back to this little house. It's so cute and green. I wondered as I drove by it who actually lives there. Do they feel as happy as I would be in that house? Here is a similar picture of the house. I didn't think it was right to take a picture of there house ha! However, it did really make me think about what green being my favorite color really means? Does it even have a meaning so I looked it up. It does.
Green means balance, harmony, and growth. It also means prosperity and abundance. OK, I will take that. Probably why I am so into it. Made me wonder what other colors meant for other people. So I will write a little list here for you.
Blue means depth and stability. Trust and loyalty.
Red means passionate love, seduction, danger, and adventure.
Purple means royalty, luxury, and power.
Pink means sweet, charming and tenderness.
Yellow means freshness, happiness, and energy.
Orange means the energy of red but happiness of yellow.
Black means power, fear, strength.
All these I found on the Color Wheel Pro Meanings. It's really interesting to see what the color we are naturally drawn too and why maybe we are drawn to that color. For now, I will just be happy every time I drive by that little house that pops out in the woods because of its vibrant color. Just seeing it makes me happy. What is your favorite color?
Love, Ro
*** Purple used to be my favorite growing up, I'm not sure I have a favorite anymore, blues and greens are lovely and calming though, like the colors in a river. And yes! I have picked up your purse more than once thinking it was mine!Ha -Lo
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