I get to snake, not one but two toilets. Have you ever snaked a toilet? If not, don't put it on your list, I don't feel empowered or womanly after it....just gross and like I need to take three showers. Just for a quick explanation, please don't use these as directions....watch a YouTube video, if nothing else it will give you hope that your hard work will pay off. Then you stick the plastic J shaped thing in the toilet, so the wire/coil doesn't scratch the porcelain. Now that it is in the position you shove the wire/coil thing all the way into the toilet until the handle is flush with the plastic (toilet puns! still doesn't make it fun) and can be way harder than it seems, you are pushing a wire coil through some twists and turns just look at the side of the toilet if you want proof. Now, you spin the handle, a little clockwise, then some counterclockwise, and then, fingers crossed that may have done it, slowly remove the wire, this is where you realize your hands will not stay clean because you will have to put your hand on that coil at some point, and we know where it has been. Hopefully for you (read me), the toilet clogged on a little tinkle with one square of toilet paper, not likely, toilets plug when there is too much....just make a mental picture... so you are pulling out the wire, it may still be spinning some and if you are super lucky, it won't make an erratic move and splash you....right above your upper lip.....I'm not always lucky. Finally, you flush the toilet! did it work? Yay if so! If not you are freaked out, standing there as the toilet comes precipitously close to overflowing. Sound fun? it's even less fun than it sounds and I snaked two toilets and am at a 50% success rate tonight, I think I'll call that a win!

The next fun for my Friday? Oh did you already forget this is my exciting jam-packed Friday night? Next, I get to play a game! It's called What is That Smell? and if I win ??? my prize is the smell goes away, come to think of it that was the prize on my toilet snaking game too, I sense a trend...
I think it may be the garbage disposal, yet I have cleaned it out pretty good. Most likely, the darlings threw something away, in the trash under the sink (who else keeps their trash under the sink??? ) and misjudged their aim (they are still learning after all and their visual perception skills are still building, except I'm not sure they are using visual skills at all when they throw stuff away and they often...miss) and they missed and whatever it is, that has been sitting there is smelling up the sink area.
I also have about 6 loads of laundry to wash and 9 to fold (yes, I know you can do the math and figure out that I have 3 loads just sitting on my couch as I sit on the floor to type this.) wow, with the laundry added to my Friday night there definitely is a smelly theme to it. I am going to reward myself because I'm all about positive reinforcement (especially when it's about me) with a nice long shower, maybe with really hot water to erase the toilet images from my head. Please comment below if I could add any more fun to my Friday! or if you hate unloading the dishwasher as much as I do...
** Then my Friday night is leaving all the laundry till tomorrow because its football season and every Friday is a football game. Did I mention I had to take a nap after work just to be peppy enough to work the Booster trailer? How about we do laundry together? You wash and I will fold! Love, Ro
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