Thursday, October 25, 2018

long car rides with kids

 When we are on a long car ride it is very regular for us to play 20 questions.  I guess it is more common when my sister is in the car with my kids and you need another adult to help pay attention while I am driving.  Now we don't play this game typically I suppose, we don't count questions we just keep going and the one who guesses doesn't go next we go in clockwise order (I mentioned we are in a car and I'd rather not have any extra arguments.)  Also, we have some other adoptions that just make it more fun and make us laugh.  Somehow "mythological animals" became an option.  So ...animal, vegetable, or mineral? animal? mythical or real?  My eight year old has stumped us with a jack-a-lope.   The funniest conversations have ensured! What a great way to use Greek mythology and antiquated knowledge for instance, "Is it bigger than a breadbox?" my children, of course, have no clue what a breadbox is, so it's fun to try and explain what one is and why people had one and just how big one may be.    My children can now answer "is the mythological creature humanoid?" Thanks to my sister.   This is a game that has created many laughs and lots of thinking and I'm sure will be one of the things they remember from childhood which warms my heart (and lessens car arguments and the number of "how long till we are there's?" and them wanting a screen of some sort, WIN!) what game do you play as a family and what adaptations have you made organically while playing?

I love this so much and can totally see you and your sister doing this to them. We do twenty questions a lot also just to learn more about our teens. When hubby and I got together we played this a lot. Great way of finding out about each other. And laughing....a lot! Love , Ro


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