Monday, October 22, 2018

Have to VS Get to

Is this how your day starts? mental notes, I have to get the kids to school, have to prepare for two meetings and finish a report at work, then I have to pick up the dry cleaning (ok I just threw that in cause it makes me laugh....I don't have dry cleaning), then I have to pick up the kids from school, make dinner, finish (6) loads of laundry, read that book club book, make the children lunches, make them brush their teeth and get them in bed on time because they both have field trips tomorrow (crap they needed sack lunches.....).  I have so much to do! constantly! We all do, drink the 120 ounces of water we need, make homemade meals, send balanced food for lunches, work, get exercise the list never ends really.  Are we stressing ourselves out more by how we talk to ourselves?  Look at your list again, what if we say we "get to" instead of "have to"?
I get to take my kids to school (this is the start of their day, I get to be sweet, encouraging or embarrassing as necessary)
I get to work, I have a job that helps pay the bills, it may come up short but I have it and most days it brings me joy, how lucky am I?
I get to pick up the kids from school, I get to ask them about their day and hear the best stories
I get to make dinner, I get to chose what I offer to go in their mouths to nourish their heart, their brain, and their bodies. And yes they get to complain about what is offered.
I get to have an excuse to sit down and fold laundry
I get to read a book that was recommended by a friend and I get to discuss the said book with friends
I get to teach the kids that routines like brushing teeth are important in life and I get to call them out on dragon breath if they don't ( I can only say that to one of mine the other is too sensitive)
I get to hear about those field trips...just recently " We got lost in a corn maze it was the best experience of my life"
I get to exercise, thank goodness I have the ability.
I get to do life, I get to experience busyness and calm.
Try changing " I have to" to "I get to"  I guarantee it feels so much better to think of the all the things you get to do versus have to do.                             -Lo

This is such a great way of thinking for sure! I get to make beef stew for a family dinner.:) Love, Ro

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